categories in physics

1 Categories in Physics

This is a relatively new area in mathematical and theoretical physics that is concerned with category theoryMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath applications to physics, especially non-AbelianMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath categoriesMathworldPlanetmath and non-Abelian algebraic topology conceptsMathworldPlanetmath and results in mathematical physics and physical mathematics. Applications range from QFT, AQFT, non-Abelian gauge theories and Quantum Gravity to complex systems, categorical dynamics (, complex categorical dynamics (, mathematical biophysics and relational biology. Other applications are related to graph theory approaches to Quantum Chemistry.


  • 1 Brown, Ronald, Higgins, J.P. and Sivera, R. 2011. “Nonabelian Algebraic Topology”, 690 pages, EPS: London and Bruxelles. Algebraic Topology 2011;
  • 2 Baez, J. and Dolan, J., 1998b, “Categorification”, Higher Category Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, 230, Providence: AMS, 1–36.
  • 3 Baianu, I. and M. Marinescu: 1968, Organismic SupercategoriesPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath: Towards a UnitaryPlanetmathPlanetmath Theory of Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 30, 148-159.
  • 4 Baianu, I.C.: 1970, Organismic Supercategories: II. On Multistable Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 32: 539-561.
  • 5 Baianu,I.C.: 1971a, Organismic Supercategories and Qualitative DynamicsPlanetmathPlanetmath of Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 33 (3), 339–354.
  • 6 Baianu, I.C.: 1971b, Categories, FunctorsMathworldPlanetmath and Quantum Algebraic Computations, in P. Suppes (ed.), In Proceed. Fourth Intl. Congress Logic-Mathematics-Philosophy of Science, 14 pages, September 1–4, 1971.
  • 7 Baianu, I.C. : Łukasiewicz-Topos Models of Neural Networks, Cell Genome and Interactome Nonlinear Dynamics). CERN Preprint EXT-2004-059. Health Physics and Radiation Effects (June 29, 2004).
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  • 9 Baez, J. & Dolan, J., 2001, From Finite SetsMathworldPlanetmath to Feynman Diagrams, in Mathematics Unlimited – 2001 and Beyond, Berlin: Springer, 29–50.
  • 10 Baez, J., 1997, An Introduction to n-Categories, in Category Theory and Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1290, Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1–33.
  • 11 Baianu I. C., Brown R., Georgescu G. and J. F. Glazebrook: 2006, Complex Nonlinear Biodynamics in Categories, Higher Dimensional Algebra and Łukasiewicz-Moisil Topos: TransformationsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of Neuronal, Genetic and Neoplastic Networks., Axiomathes, 16 Nos. 1-2: 65-122.
  • 12 Baianu, I.C. and D. Scripcariu: 1973, On Adjoint Dynamical Systems. Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 35(4): 475-486.
  • 13 Baianu, I. C., Glazebrook, J. F. and G. Georgescu: 2004, Categories of Quantum Automata and N-Valued Łukasiewicz AlgebrasPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath in RelationMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath to Dynamic Bionetworks, (M,R)-Systems and Their Higher Dimensional Algebra, Preprint of Report.
  • 14 Brown, R., Higgins, P. J. and R. Sivera,: 2007, Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, mas010/nonab-t/partI010604.pdfvol.I pdf doc.; of Part I and full contents PDF doc.
  • 15 R. Brown. 2008. Higher Dimensional Algebra Preprint as pdf and ps docs. at arXiv:math/0212274v6 [math.AT]
  • 16 Brown R. and T. Porter: 2003, Category theory and higher dimensional algebra: potential descriptive tools in neuroscience, In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Neurobiology, Delhi, February 2003, edited by Nandini Singh, National Brain Research Centre, Conference Proceedings 1: 80-92.
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  • 18 Connes, A. 1994. Noncommutative geometry. Academic Press: New York.
  • 19 Crane, Louis. 1993. CategoricalPlanetmathPlanetmath Physics., 9 pages, free download at arXiv:hep-th/9301061 (“A new mathematical form for the quantum theoryPlanetmathPlanetmath of gravity coupled to matter. The motivation is from the connection between CSW TQFT and the Ashtekar variables”).
  • 20 Croisot, R. and Lesieur, L. 1963. Algèbre noethérienne non-commutative., Gauthier-Villard: Paris.
  • 21 Dieudonné, J. and Grothendieck, A., 1960, [1971], Éléments de Géométrie Algébrique, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • 22 Dixmier, J., 1981, Von Neumann AlgebrasMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company. [First published in French in 1957: Les Algebres d’Operateurs dans l’Espace Hilbertien, Paris: Gauthier–Villars.]
  • 23 M. Durdevich : GeometryMathworldPlanetmath of quantum principal bundles I, Commun. Math. Phys. 175 (3) (1996), 457–521.
  • 24 M. Durdevich : Geometry of quantum principal bundles II, Rev.Math. Phys. 9 (5) (1997), 531-607.
  • 25 Ehresmann, C.: 1952, StructuresMathworldPlanetmath locales et structures infinitésimales, C.R.A.S. Paris 274: 587-589.
  • 26 Ehresmann, C.: 1959, Catégories topologiques et catégories différentiables, Coll. Géom. Diff. Glob. Bruxelles, pp.137-150.
  • 27 Ehresmann, C.: 1966, Trends Toward Unity in Mathematics., Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differentielle 8: 1-7.
  • 28 Eilenberg, S. and S. Mac Lane.: 1942, Natural Isomorphisms in Group Theory., American Mathematical Society 43: 757-831.
  • 29 Eilenberg, S. and S. Mac Lane: 1945, The General Theory of Natural Equivalences, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 58: 231-294.
  • 30 Ezawa,Z.F., G. Tsitsishvilli and K. Hasebe : Noncommutative geometry, extended W algebra and Grassmannian solitons in multicomponent Hall systems, (at arXiv:hep–th/0209198).
  • 31 Gabriel, P. and N. Popescu: 1964, Caractérisation des catégories abéliennes avec générateurs et limites inductives. , CRAS Paris 258: 4188-4191.
  • 32 Galli, A. & Reyes, G. & Sagastume, M., 2000, Completeness Theorems via the Double Dual Functor, Studia Logica, 64, no. 1: 61–81.
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  • 34 Kan, D. M., 1958, Adjoint FunctorsMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 87, 294-329.
  • 35 H. Krips : Measurement in Quantum Theory, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 1999 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.)
  • 36 Landsman, N. P. : Compact quantum groupoids, (at arXiv:math–ph/9912006).
  • 37 Lawvere, F. W., 1964, An Elementary Theory of the Category of Sets, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A., 52, 1506–1511.
  • 38 Lawvere, F. W., 1965, Algebraic Theories, Algebraic Categories, and Algebraic Functors, Theory of Models, Amsterdam: North Holland, 413–418.
  • 39 Lawvere, F. W.: 1966, The Category of Categories as a Foundation for Mathematics., in Proc. Conf. Categorical Algebra- La Jolla., Eilenberg, S. et al., eds. Springer–Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg and New York., pp. 1-20.
  • 40 Lawvere, F. W., 1969b, Adjointness in Foundations, Dialectica, 23: 281–295.
  • 41 Lawvere, F. W., 1992, Categories of Space and of Quantity, The Space of Mathematics, Foundations of Communication and Cognition, Berlin: De Gruyter, 14-30.
  • 42 Lawvere, F. W., 2002, Categorical Algebra for ContinuumMathworldPlanetmath Micro-Physics, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 175, no. 1–3, 267–287.
  • 43 Li, M. and P. Vitanyi: 1997, An introduction to Kolmogorov ComplexityMathworldPlanetmath and its Applications, Springer Verlag: New York.
  • 44 Löfgren, L.: 1968, An Axiomatic Explanation of CompletePlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath Self-Reproduction, Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics, 30: 317-348.
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  • 46 MacLane, S.: 1948. Groups, categories, and duality., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.U.S.A, 34: 263-267.
  • 47 MacLane, S., 1969, Foundations for Categories and Sets, in Category Theory, HomologyMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath Theory and their Applications II, Berlin: Springer, 146–164.
  • 48 MacLane, S., 1971, Categorical algebra and Set-Theoretic Foundations, in Axiomatic Set Theory, Providence: AMS, 231–240.
  • 49 MacLane, S., 1950, Dualities for Groups, Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 56, 485-516.
  • 50 MacLane, S., 1996, Structure in Mathematics. Mathematical Structuralism., Philosophia Mathematica, 4, 2, 174-183.
  • 51 MacLane, S., 1997, Categories for the Working Mathematician, 2nd edition, New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • 52 Majid, S.: 1995, Foundations of Quantum Group Theory, Cambridge Univ. Press: Cambridge, UK.
  • 53 Majid, S.: 2002, A Quantum Groups Primer, Cambridge Univ.Press: Cambridge, UK.
  • 54 May, J.P. 1999, A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
  • 55 Mc Larty, C., 1994, Category Theory in Real Time, Philosophia Mathematica, 2, no. 1, 36-44.
  • 56 Mc Larty, C., 1991, Axiomatizing a Category of Categories, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 56, no. 4, 1243-1260.
  • 57 Mitchell, B.: 1965, Theory of Categories, Academic Press:London.
  • 58 Ore, O., 1931, Linear equations on non-commutative fields, Ann. Math. 32: 463-477.
  • 59 Plymen, R.J. and P. L. Robinson: 1994, Spinors in Hilbert SpaceMathworldPlanetmath, Cambridge Tracts in Math. 114, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.
  • 60 Popescu, N.: 1973, Abelian CategoriesMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath with Applications to Rings and Modules. New York and London: Academic Press., 2nd edn. 1975. (English translationPlanetmathPlanetmath by I.C. Baianu).
  • 61 Pareigis, B., 1970, Categories and Functors, New York: Academic Press.
  • 62 Pedicchio, M. C. and Tholen, W., 2004, Categorical Foundations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • 63 Peirce, B., 1991, Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists, Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • 64 Pradines, J.: 1966, Théorie de Lie pour les groupoides différentiable, relation entre propriétes locales et globales, C. R. Acad Sci. Paris Sér. A 268: 907-910.
  • 65 Raptis, I.: 2003, Algebraic quantisation of causal sets, Int. Jour. Theor. Phys. 39: 1233.
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  • 68 Rosen, R.: 1958b, The RepresentationPlanetmathPlanetmath of Biological Systems from the Standpoint of the Theory of Categories., Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 20: 317-341.
  • 69 Szabo, R. J.: 2003, Quantum field theory on non-commutative spaces, Phys. Rep. 378: 207–209.
  • 70 Várilly, J. C.: 1997, An introduction to noncommutative geometry. (at arXiv:physics/9709045)
  • 71 Weinstein, A.: 1996, GroupoidsPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath : unifying internal and external symmetryMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath, Notices of the Amer. Math. Soc. 43: 744–752.
  • 72 Wess J. and J. Bagger: 1983, Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ.
Title categories in physics
Canonical name CategoriesInPhysics
Date of creation 2013-03-22 19:19:35
Last modified on 2013-03-22 19:19:35
Owner bci1 (20947)
Last modified by bci1 (20947)
Numerical id 10
Author bci1 (20947)
Entry type Topic
Classification msc 20E07
Classification msc 18-01
Related topic CategoricalDynamics