closure properties of Cauchy-Riemann equations

The set of solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann equationsMathworldPlanetmath is closed under a surprisingly large number of operations. For convenience, let us introduce the notational conventions that f and g are complex functions with f(x+iy)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y) and g(x+iy)=p(x,y)+iq(x,y). Let D and D denote open subsets of the complex planeMathworldPlanetmath.

Theorem 1.

If f:DC and g:DC satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, so does f+g. Furthermore, if zC, then zf satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations.


This is an immediate consequence of the linearity of derivatives. ∎

Theorem 2.

If f:DC and g:DC satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, so does fg.


Letting h and k denote the real and imaginary parts of fg respectively, we have

hx-ky =x(up-vq)-y(uq+vp)


hy+kx =y(up-vq)+x(uq+vp)

Theorem 3.

If f:DD and g:DC satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann equations, so does fg.


Letting h and k denote the real and imaginary parts of fg respectively, we have

hx-ky =xu(p(x,y),q(x,y))-yv(p(x,y),q(x,y))


hy+kx =yu(p(x,y),q(x,y))+xv(p(x,y),q(x,y))

Theorem 4.

If f:DC satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations, and has non-vanishing Jacobian, then f-1 also satisfies the Cauchy-Riemann equations.


Let us denote the real and imaginary parts of f-1 as h and k, respectively. Then, by definition of inverse function, we have

u(h(x,y),k(x,y)) =x
v(h(x,y),k(x,y)) =y.

Taking derivatives,

uhhx+ukkx =1
uhhy+ukky =0
vhhx+vkkx =0
vhhy+vkky =1

By the Cauchy-Riemann equations, u/h=v/k and u/k=-v/h. Using these relationsMathworldPlanetmath to re-express the derivatives of u as derivatives of v, then subtracting the fourth equation form the first equation and adding the second and third equations, we obtain

uh(hx-ky)+uk(hy+kx) =0
uh(hy+kx)-uk(hx-ky) =0.

With a little algebraic manipulation, we may conclude

((uh)2+(uk)2)(hy+kx) =0
((uh)2+(uk)2)(hx-ky) =0.

Note that, by the Cauchy-Riemann equations, the Jacobian of f equals the common prefactor of these equations:


Hence, by assumptionsPlanetmathPlanetmath, this quantity differs from zero and we may cancel it to obtain the Cauchy-Riemann equations for f-1. ∎

Title closure properties of Cauchy-Riemann equations
Canonical name ClosurePropertiesOfCauchyRiemannEquations
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:44:20
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:44:20
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 14
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type TheoremMathworldPlanetmath
Classification msc 30E99
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