continuous almost everywhere versus equal to a continuous function almost everywhere

The concept of almost everywhere can be somewhat tricky to people who are not familiar with it. Let m denote Lebesgue measureMathworldPlanetmath. Consider the following two statements about a function f::

  • f is continuousMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath ( almost everywhere with respect to m

  • f is equal to a continuous function almost everywhere with respect to m

Although these two statements seem alike, they have quite different meanings. In fact, neither one of these statements implies the other.

Consider the function χ[0,)(x)={1if x00if x<0.

This function is not continuous at 0, but it is continuous at all other x. Note that m({0})=0. Thus, χ[0,) is continuous almost everywhere.

Suppose χ[0,) is equal to a continuous function almost everywhere. Let A be Lebesgue measurable ( with m(A)=0 and g: such that χ[0,)(x)=g(x) for all xA. Since χ[0,)(x)=0 for all x<0 and m(A(-,0))=0, there exists a<0 such that g(a)=0. Similarly, there exists b0 such that g(b)=1. Since g is continuous, by the intermediate value theorem, there exists c(a,b) with g(c)=12. Let U=(0,1). Since g is continuous, g-1(U) is open. Recall that cg-1(U). Thus, g-1(U). Since g-1(U) is a nonempty open set, m(g-1(U))>0. On the other hand, g-1(U)A, yielding that 0<m(g-1(U))m(A)=0, a contradictionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath.

Now consider the function χ(x)={1if x0if x.

Note that m()=0. Thus, χ=0 almost everywhere. Since 0 is continuous, χ is equal to a continuous function almost everywhere. On the other hand, χ is not continuous almost everywhere. Actually, χ is not continuous at any x. Recall that and are both dense in ( . Therefore, for every x and for every δ>0, there exist x1(x-δ,x+δ) and x2(x-δ,x+δ)(). Since χ(x1)=1 and χ(x2)=0, it follows that χ is not continuous at x. (Choose any ε(0,1).)

Title continuous almost everywhere versus equal to a continuous function almost everywhere
Canonical name ContinuousAlmostEverywhereVersusEqualToAContinuousFunctionAlmostEverywhere
Date of creation 2013-03-22 15:58:47
Last modified on 2013-03-22 15:58:47
Owner Wkbj79 (1863)
Last modified by Wkbj79 (1863)
Numerical id 10
Author Wkbj79 (1863)
Entry type Example
Classification msc 28A12
Classification msc 60A10