deduction theorem holds for first order logic

In this entry, we show that the deduction theorem holds for first order logic. Actually, depending on the axiom systems, some modifications to the deduction theoremMathworldPlanetmath may be necessary. If we use the system given in the beginning of this entry (, no modifications are necessary, and the proof is mutatis mutandis the same as the one for propositional logicPlanetmathPlanetmath. However, if we instead use the system given in the remark of that entry, the deduction theorem needs to be revised. For convenience, we briefly state the axiom system here:

  1. 1.
  2. 2.

    xAA[a/x], where xV, aV(Σ), and a is free for x in A

  3. 3.

    x(AB)(AxB), where xV is not free in A

with modus ponensMathworldPlanetmath and generalization as inference rules. A deductionMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath of a wff A from a set Δ is a finite sequencePlanetmathPlanetmath of wff’s, where each wff is either an axiom, an element of Δ, or the result of an application of an inference rule.

Theorem 1.

(Modified Deduction Theorem). If Δ,AB, then ΔAB, provided that there is a deduction E of B from Δ{A} that contains no applications of universal generalization

  • either to a variable occurring free in A, or

  • to a wff whose deduction in contains A as a premiseMathworldPlanetmath

A big portion of the proof is the same as the one given for the deduction theorem for propositional logic, namely, the cases that B is an axiom, an element of Δ, or as the result of an application of modus ponens. We will not repeat the proof here, but refer the reader to this entry ( for that. In this entry, we will concentrate on the proof of the last case: when B is the result of an application of universal generalization.


Let us first rephrase the conditions in the theoremMathworldPlanetmath. We are given a deduction of B from Δ{A}, that is, sequence of wff’s


such that if Ai is xAj (where j<i), then either

  • the variable x is not free in A, or

  • the deduction of Aj in the sequence A1,,Aj does not contain A

As mentioned, we assume that B is xAk, where Ak is in .

We induct on the length n of . By the assumption on B, n is at least 2. If n=2, then is


Then A1 is either an axiom, or an element of Δ{A}. Furthermore, x does not occur free in A1. If A1 is either an axiom or in Δ, then

A1,xA1,xA1(AxA1),AxA1 (1)

is a deduction of AB from Δ. If A1 is A, then

,AA,x(AA),x(AA)(AxA),AxA (2)

is a deduction of AB from Δ, where ,AA is a deduction of the tautology AA (see here (

Now assume the length of is n>2. Furthermore, we may assume that it has the form


from Δ{A}. Then none of A1,,An-1 contain x free. Now, let us look at the conditions above:

  • x is not free in A. As A1,,An-1 is a deduction of An-1 of length n-1, by inductionMathworldPlanetmath, there is a deduction of


    of AAn-1 from Δ. Since x does not occur free in A,

    B1,,Bm,x(AAn-1),x(AAn-1)(AxAn-1),AxAn-1 (3)

    is a deduction of AxAn-1.

  • the deduction of Aj in the sequence A1,,Aj does not contain A. Let


    be this deduction of Aj in . Then

    B1,,Bm,xAn-1,xAn-1(AxAn-1),AxAn-1 (4)

    is a deduction of AxAn-1.

In both cases, since A does not occur in the deduction, ΔAB. ∎

Note that the last three steps of deductions (1) and (4) use generalization, the axiom schemaMathworldPlanetmath A(BA), and modus ponens, and the last steps of deductions (2) and (3) use generalization, the axiom schema x(AB)(AxB), and modus ponens.

As a corollary, we have

Corollary 1.

If Δ,AB, and A a sentenceMathworldPlanetmath, then ΔAB.

Remark. If we want to restore the modified deduction theorem to its original version (Theorem 2 below), and we want keep the axiom system stated above, the way deductions are constructed needs to be modified. In this case, the modification is: if A1,,An is a deduction of A, and A is xAi, the result of an application of generalization to an earlier wff Ai, then x does not occur free in any of the wff’s in the deduction. With this change, we have the original version:

Theorem 2.

(Deduction Theorem). If Δ,AB, then ΔAB.

This is an immediate consequence of the following fact: if B can be deduced with A as a hypothesisMathworldPlanetmath, then AB can be deduced without A as a hypothesis, which can be easily proved using induction.

Title deduction theorem holds for first order logic
Canonical name DeductionTheoremHoldsForFirstOrderLogic
Date of creation 2013-03-22 19:32:31
Last modified on 2013-03-22 19:32:31
Owner CWoo (3771)
Last modified by CWoo (3771)
Numerical id 26
Author CWoo (3771)
Entry type Definition
Classification msc 03B10