proof of Pythagorean theorem

Let a and b be two lengths and let c denote the length of the hypotenuseMathworldPlanetmath of a right triangleMathworldPlanetmath whose legs have lengths a and b.


Behold the following two ways of dissecting a square of length a+b:


Figure 1


Figure 2

We now discuss the construction of these diagrams and note some facts about them, starting with the first one. To construct figure 1, we proceed as follows:

  • Construct a square ABCD whose sides have length a+b.

  • Lay point E on the line segmentMathworldPlanetmath AB at a distanceMathworldPlanetmath a from B. Likewise, lay the point F on the line segment BC at a distance a from C, lay the point G on the line segment CD at a distance a from D, and lay the point H on the line segment DA at a distance a from A.

  • Connect the line segments EF, FG, GH, and HE.

We now note the following facts about figure 1:

  • Since the lengths of the four sides of the square ABCD all equal a+b and the line segments EB, FC, GD, and HA were constructed to have length a, it follows that the lengths of the line segments AE, BF, CG, HD all equal b, as indicated upon the figure.

  • Since ABCD is a square, the angles ABC, BCD, CDA, and DAB are all right anglesMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath, and hence equal each other.

  • By the side-angle-side theorem, the triangles HAE, EBF, FCG, and GDH are all congruent to each other.

  • By definition of c as the length of a hypotenuse, it follows that the line segments EF, FG, GH, and HE all have length c, as indicated in the figure.

  • Because the sum of the angles of a triangle equals two right angles and the angle EAH is a right angle, it follows that the sum of the angles AEH and AHE equals a right angle. Since the triangle AEH is congruent to the triangle BFE, the angles AHE and BEF are equal. Hence the sum of the angles AEH and BEF equals a right angle. Thus, we may conclude that HEF is a right angle. By similarMathworldPlanetmath reasoning, we conclude that EFG, FGH, and GHE are also right angles.

  • Since its sides are of equal length and its angles are all right angles, the quadrilateralMathworldPlanetmath EFGH is a square.

To construct figure 2, we proceed as follows:

  • Construct a square ABCD whose sides have length a+b.

  • Lay point N on the line segment AB at a distance a from A. Likewise, lay the point M on the line segment BC at a distance a from B, lay the point L on the line segment CD at a distance a from D, and lay the point K on the line segment DA at a distance a from A.

  • Connect the line segments KM, NL, MN, and KL.

We now note the following facts about figure 2:

  • Since the lengths of the four sides of the square ABCD all equal a+b and the line segments AN, AK, BM, and DL were constructed to have length a, it follows that the lengths of the line segments BN, CL, CM, DK all equal b, as indicated upon the figure.

  • Since ABCD is a square, the angles ABC, BCD, CDA, and DAB are all right angles, and hence equal each other.

  • Since AB and CD, as opposite sides of a square, are parallelMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath and their subsegments AN and DL have equal length, it follows that NL is parallel to AD and BC. Likewise, since AD and BC, as opposite sides of the same square, are parallel and their subsegments AK and BM have equal length, it follows that KM is parallel to AB and CD.

  • Since NL is parallel to BC and ABC is a right angle, it follows that ANL is a right angle; moreover, since ADC is a right angle, CLN is also a right angle. Likewise, since MK is parallel to CD and ADC is a right angle, it follows that AKM is a right angle; moreover, since ABC is a right angle, CMK is also a right angle. Since AB is parallel to KM and ANL is a right angle, it follows that KOL, LOM, MON, and NOK are all right angles.

  • Since all the angles of the quadrilateral AKON are right angles and two of its adjacent sidesMathworldPlanetmathPlanetmath, AK and AN, have the same length a, this figure is a square, hence the remaining sides, OK and ON, also have length a. Likewise, Since all the angles of the quadrilateral CLOM are right angles and two of its adjacent sides, CL and CM, have the same length b, this figure is a square, hence the remaining sides, OL and OM, also have length b.

  • By the side-angle-side theorem, the traingles KOL, LDK, MBN, and NOM are congruent to each other and to the triangles HAE, EBF, FCG, and GDH.

Hence, we have shown that a square with sides of length a+b may be dissected into either

  • a square AKON with sides of length a,

  • a square CLOM with sides of length b,

  • four right triangles, KOL, LDK, MBN, and NOM with sides of length a, b, c


  • a square EFGH with sides of length c,

  • four right triangles, HAE, EBF, FCG, and GDH, with sides of length a, b, c.

Since the area of the whole equals the sum of the areas of the parts and the squares ABCD and ABCD are congruent, hence have equal areas, it follows that the sum of the areas of the figures comprising the former dissection equals the sum of the areas of the figures comprising the latter dissection. Since the triangles involved in these dissections all are congruent, hence have equal areas, we may cancel their areas to conclude that the area of EFGH equals the sum of the areas of AKON and CLOM, or a2+b2=c2.

Title proof of Pythagorean theoremPlanetmathPlanetmathPlanetmath
Canonical name ProofOfPythagoreanTheorem12
Date of creation 2013-03-22 17:09:35
Last modified on 2013-03-22 17:09:35
Owner rspuzio (6075)
Last modified by rspuzio (6075)
Numerical id 22
Author rspuzio (6075)
Entry type Proof
Classification msc 51-00
Related topic GeneralizedPythagoreanTheorem